Category: Content Marketing

8200 FREE Clicks From Pinterest in 60 Days Starting From Scratch With His Brand New Account

How this guy is combining the power of A.I. with the power of automation and creating a traffic whirlwind! I came across this the other day and thought it was very eye-opening. Watch the video and see how he is doing it (and the tools he is using).

How Much Written Content Are People Outsourcing? My Survey Results Are In!

Earlier this week, I sent out an anonymous survey to find out about how much written content is being outsourced by my audience. I wanted to find out what sort of content they were outsourcing, how much they were paying for it and I also wanted to find out why some people don’t outsource written …

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Content Upgrades – A Smarter Way to Build Your Lists

Just this week I came across an authority site that managed to increase subscribers from it’s blog posts by 8x just by using a rather clever yet simple method. I also saw that Devesh Khanal, founder of Growthrock, used this method to increase conversions on a blog post by a huge 492%, providing a massive …

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