Category: Wordpress

8200 FREE Clicks From Pinterest in 60 Days Starting From Scratch With His Brand New Account

How this guy is combining the power of A.I. with the power of automation and creating a traffic whirlwind! I came across this the other day and thought it was very eye-opening. Watch the video and see how he is doing it (and the tools he is using).

Content Upgrades – A Smarter Way to Build Your Lists

Just this week I came across an authority site that managed to increase subscribers from it’s blog posts by 8x just by using a rather clever yet simple method. I also saw that Devesh Khanal, founder of Growthrock, used this method to increase conversions on a blog post by a huge 492%, providing a massive …

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Why Make Things Complicated To Use?

 The tools for online marketers have certainly changed, even in the last handful of years. Gone are the days of having to learn some HTML and PHP code to design and edit websites and jury rig things together. Now there are wonderful things you can do in a few clicks that would take hours (and …

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Another New (simple) Look

Yay! I feel liberated! Almost like I have dumped my clothes on the beach and jumped in for a nekkid swim. I always wanted a fancy-dancy looking blog and so, a couple of years ago, after a bit of experimenting I decided to use a “it’ll do everything” theme that I bought from someone on …

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I had to ask for a refund..But found a free alternative that is better!

I bought a special 100 site lifetime deal for a WordPress central management dashboard product for $47 recently. It was a “special” flash sale through an affiliate – normally they charge $27/month for that (or $17 a month for 50 sites and $47 a month for unlimited sites – I got that wrong in the …

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