Barry Rodgers

Author's posts

How To Write A Press Release AND Get It Published

Article by Steve Nash

I say this after struggling for some years to get any of my press releases published. I stumbled on the most important factor for getting a pressrelease published right after my first release got published in a UK Internet magazine.

I then decided to piece together all the advice, all the tips and tutorials I’d read, into a single checklist, to make writing my next successful press release easier. The press release checklist below is the result.

Spinner Chief – A heads-up on getting it for free

There are those who hate article spinning. I am not one of them.

My philosophy is that if you can produce unique content in perfect English in a fraction of the time to write something, then why not?

I usually create 10 perfect articles which read well and are 80% unique in just over half an hour. To pass Copyscape as unique content it needs only to be 50% unique down to 4 word strings. I put a lot of hard work & thought into writing great source articles, so I want the spun articles to be great also….. click ‘READ MORE’

Hi everyone! My Internet Marketing Blog Starts!

Hi all. Loads of people kept asking me why I had not got myself a proper blog or site where people could come and see what was new, happening and occurring in my internet marketing enterprises. At long last I decided to spend the time and put it together! If you are wanting to find …

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