What Do We Think Of The New Name For Content Samurai – Vidnami?

Hey… Shock announcement to start of 2020 No, I am not referring to the Royal Fam  or Brexit. It is even bigger news that either of those… Noble Samurai has decided to rename and rebrand Content Samurai as “Vidnami”. Yes, they are throwing away all of the branding work they have done in the past …

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Why Email Marketing Is Still “Da Boss”

Earlier this week I released a new product. Although you probably knew that (say “yes”!). A few minutes after it went live I was on a call with my pal Andie Brocklehurst. Just having a catch up, shooting the breeze and having a laugh. These days, if you have all your ducks in a row, …

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Andy Jenkins On Productivity

Yesterday, I heard the news that Andy Jenkins had died. I had followed him when I was new in this business and learned a lot from him. He was an extraordinary guy… His background was in film and movie production and had something to do with Haxan Films (that made The Blair Witch Project). He …

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Why I Sometimes Sit Through Boring Webinars

I received an email the other week from a customer who wanted to let me know that he did not appreciate being emailed about a webinar. Partly, it was because of his timezone and live webinars mostly were at silly times of the day (I get that – happens to me too). Mostly, however, it …

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Symphoni – What Is It And Is It Worth Getting?

You will doubtless get a lot of emails about this new product called Symphoni. I decided, rather than just send you an email, I would make a short video about it. The reason I did this is to provide some clarity about two things; the product itself and the platform (and traffic source) it is …

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ProductDyno #3 – Q&A Session

If you’ve been following along with the blog posts from the last couple of days you’ll know that we’ve been talking about ProductDyno.  I wanted to revisit ProductDyno for you, in order to dispel a few misconceptions that are out there about the tool. I use it every single day my business, and I wouldn’t …

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ProductDyno Post #2 – The Elephant In The Room

In this blog post, I decided also to make a video for you. And the reason I’m doing that is I do want to clear up a particular misconception that is out there regarding ProductDyno. And what I’m going to do is first of all go through one of the reasons why I think ProductDyno …

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One Tool That Has Made A BIG Difference To My Business…

I mentioned in an email I sent out the other day that I was going to talk about a product, which really has changed the way in which I do business is made my business more frictionless. I get fewer support tickets has made my life so much easier over the last 18 months. And, …

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Interesting Email Marketing Stats From Getresponse…

I came across this infographic this morning.  Thought I would pass it on. It was made by Getresponse and, I reckon they have enough data to be believed when it comes to email marketing.  I am not sure if the stats are completely up to date but it seems that this was made in the …

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Using Content Constructor, Content Samurai and Designrr To Create and Multi-purpose Unique Content Fast And With Virtually No Work

Following an email I sent about how I was using these three software tools together to rapidly create and re-purpose content, many people asked for a more detailed description. On this page, you will see a video of how I created some content using Content Constructor and then re-purposed it using Content Samurai and Designrr. …

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