I Tested This Content Creation Tool – Here’s My Results

Now, before I begin, the product I was having a play with is not new. It was released 2 or 3 years ago but it only came onto my radar recently. I had a quick look at the video on the sales page and decided I would buy it and give it a test. I …

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Free Funnel Planning And Analysis Tool

Funnels can turn into quite complex things very quickly. Before I continue, let me make clear that I am not talking about they “funnels” you see on product launches affiliate pages. Those are better described as “sales sequences”. Funnels are a complete process starting with traffic sources, then the entry points (squeeze pages) leading to …

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Case Study – How Aweber Builds It’s Own Lists

When one of the leading email marketing platforms builds it’s own lists, do you think it would be a good idea to see how they are doing it?   They kind of know what works better than anyone, I reckon. So do you think it makes sense to copy their approach?   I sure do. …

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ThriveCart Update For Physical Product Sellers & Dropshippers

If you are into selling physical products online, you probably use a platform to act as your shopping cart. That platform is probably cutting into your profits which, on smaller items or free + shipping items can already be rather small. Thrivecart has changed the game yet again with the roll out of their physical …

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Do You Want Cereal With That? A Marketing Shift.

Recent events have brought into focus how we position ourselves when attracting leads into our online businesses. In this post, I want to reach into the past and have a look as some models that have now become prevalent in listbuilding and ask – Is this really the best way? Having grown up in the …

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My Take on GDPR

My goodness… Happy GDPR day! I woke up this morning in the EU half expecting to find that the internet had disappeared. I have not been very vocal about GDPR.  But a lot of other folks are either getting their panties in a bunch or are trying to suck some money out of you to …

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Shoo-ing an Elephant Away

Today I want to shoo away an elephant that often appears in the room when we talk about product creation. What do you need if you want to have an online business selling digital products? Well, some digital products to sell, obviously. People often get stuck here.  Creating products sounds difficult, scary and time consuming. …

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Another New (simple) Look

Yay! I feel liberated! Almost like I have dumped my clothes on the beach and jumped in for a nekkid swim. I always wanted a fancy-dancy looking blog and so, a couple of years ago, after a bit of experimenting I decided to use a “it’ll do everything” theme that I bought from someone on …

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The End is Near!

No, I haven’t been listening to voices in my head, abducted by aliens or caught religion. But we know that all good things come to an end. Soon (we don’t know exactly when, but very soon) the current “pilot programme” for Thrivecart will end and it will be officially launched. When that happens, people will …

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When Big Brands Throw Money At Something….

What have these big brands got in common? Maybelline, BMW, Dior. The answer is they are all using the power of interactive videos. These are videos, which they use on their sites and as TV ads for “on demand” services, where the viewer gets a choice of which narrative they follow by clicking on a …

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